
Northwest Soccer Officials


Welcome to the Northwest Soccer Officials (NSO) SiteSite on Friday, March 14th, 2025. We hope that you enjoy your visit to our Site and find it informative and useful.

You can navigate through and around this Site by selecting (clicking on) any of the active hyperlinks that appear like this or the various graphical images you'll see. Click on the Information segment to review the information that we have available for the general public.

Logon?If you are a participant with NSONSO, you may logon to the Site to access the secure portions that will be of interest to you. Don't forget to Logoff or shut your Browser down when you are finished with your session with the Site.

You can also return to this home page by clicking on the NSONSO logo located in the upper left corner of every page.

For more information about NSO, check the Information: About Us page.

What's New?
Tuesday March 11th, 2025

Washington Premier League Events (WPL)

April 11-14 U11-14 Qualification Tournament @Starfire - Craig Allen

April 25-27 U11-14 Championship Finals @Pasco - Rob

April 25-27 U09-10 Championship Finals @Ravensdale - Craig Allen

May 2-4 U15-19 Girls Championship Finals @Valley Ridge - Craig Allen

Sunday March 9th, 2025

wave New Referee Clinics:

Become a Soccer Referee

Referees make between $35.00 to $83.50 as a Referee and $23.00 to $55.50 as an Assistant Referee. Kids have been able to easily make between $3,500 - $7,500 a year.

Refereeing is a great way for kids and adults to make money and there are games available to officiate year around. Referees select the matches they can officiate from website scheduling systems and set their own work schedule. By becoming a referee now, referees will be able to officiate summer tournaments and be ready for the fall league.

How to become a Soccer Referee

To become a referee, you first complete 3-5 hours of on-line training and attend an 4 hour in-person clinic. The following New Referee Clinics have been scheduled for individuals to become Referees. The cost of the clinic and registration is $73.00.

Sun 3/23/2025 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Mukilteo

Sun 3/30/2025 3:00-7:00 PM in Redmond

Sun 3/30/2025 3:00PM - 7:00PM in Tacoma

Sun 4/6/2025 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm in Mukilteo

Sun 4/6/2025 10am-2pm in Renton

Sun 4/27/2025 10 AM-2 PM in Renton

To sign up to become a referee click on the arrow below.

Entry level clinics fill up quickly, so register for the clinic soon by clicking on the arrow below. Once you have completed the on-line training, you will be able to select the in person clinic. You will need to purchase about $75.00 in equipment to start officiating matches.

Who can I contact to get more information?

If you have any questions, please contact Richard Meeks at richardmeeks10@outlook.com or 206-200-8145.


Wednesday February 19th, 2025

juggle Join NSO Monthly Zoom Meetings for education, video review and answer any questions you may have. These meetings occur on the fourth Monday of the month at 7:00 PM.

Northwest Soccer Officials is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Monthly NSO Zoom Meeting

Time: We will see you on February 24th @ 7:00 PM!

At the meeting we will be covering managing High School boys aged games and expectations of High School games for this spring. Please tune in and bring any questions and we will answer them.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 869 9137 8263

Passcode: 992583

Dial by your location

+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)

+1 253 205 0468 US

Meeting ID: 869 9137 8263

Passcode: 992583


Sunday December 17th, 2023

fb Like us on Facebook to find the latest news, announcements and general interest topics related to the world of Northwest Soccer Officials Referees. The page is updated continuously.


Sunday December 3rd, 2023

WYS Tournaments

You can find all WYS sanction tournaments by clicking on the arrow. Each tournament will list who the Referee Assignor is for the tournament so that you can reach out to them if you are interested in officiating.


Thursday October 12th, 2023

lecture Educational resources of MLS games. Below are perspectives from Pro and a player's perspective of Referee decisions, mixed in with some law verification.

• (PRO) Inside Video Review & Definitive Angle - https://proreferees.com/category/education/

• Instant Replay (MLS) - https://www.mlssoccer.com/video/topics/instant-replay/

Tuesday September 19th, 2023

Washington Youth Soccer Rules of Competition U9-U12
